Warning: This Will Offend You! Contains Feminist Material.

I don’t know how to describe in words the thoughts in my head and feelings that run through my body on a daily basis to wake up in the world being a woman. It’s not easily encapsulated into a phrase to capture the multifaceted fragments that make up my whole. While my blackness presents aContinue reading “Warning: This Will Offend You! Contains Feminist Material.”


I recently read an article that questioned how well do we really know our loved ones. It spoke about how in so many cases it isn’t until after those close to us have passed away that we wish we had asked certain questions. The article challenged to have more open communication with family members, parentsContinue reading “Unmasked”

Between the Dreams

At a certain point in the night my sleeping pills wear off and the land of lucid dreaming blurs with the reality of cynicism and rationality. Where I’m left midland holding on to dreams I want to be awakened from but not particularly wanting to wake up at all. Exhaustion floods my body and pressureContinue reading “Between the Dreams”