Warning: This Will Offend You! Contains Feminist Material.

I don’t know how to describe in words the thoughts in my head and feelings that run through my body on a daily basis to wake up in the world being a woman. It’s not easily encapsulated into a phrase to capture the multifaceted fragments that make up my whole. While my blackness presents aContinue reading “Warning: This Will Offend You! Contains Feminist Material.”

Racial Trauma when Lives Should Matter

​In 1948 the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which guaranteed all people and all nations with certain inalienable rights. Article One, which is titled the Right to Equality, declares, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience andContinue reading “Racial Trauma when Lives Should Matter”


The trauma of being Black is not Post Stress Since it happens daily, weekly, in untold moments As I open my eyes and the sun’s rays alight upon The melanin that coats my skin As I glimpse visions of myself in mirrors and reflective surfaces  Whenever the eyes of a stranger meets mine And skittersContinue reading “UN-PTSD “