I Used to Write

I used to write I used to write dope shit I used to write deeply twisted metaphors that spoke to one’s soul and made the hairs on the back of knuckles stand tall and sway in the twilight air I used to write my feelings…. mostly the bad ones, the ones that had to getContinue reading “I Used to Write”

Fifteen Minute Recess

During elementary school, I looked forward to certain periods of the day, reading sessions, physical education (I kid… I didn’t look forward to P.E.), art, and recess.  Recess of course was the most important one.  The anticipation of having fifteen minutes dedicated to carefree endeavors kept me going for most of the school morning.  ItContinue reading “Fifteen Minute Recess”

The Big Shift

“An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it.” Everything said in this is what I’ve felt at some point. There are options andContinue reading “The Big Shift”

When the Sleeping Pills Wear Off…

I have been a self-diagnosed hermit. Anxiety and fear make it easier to refuse invitations, make excuses, flake at the last moment. Cravings for safety and the security of knowing what to expect when you don’t put yourself out there into the big wild world where wolves wear grandma’s house dress and disguised old ladiesContinue reading “When the Sleeping Pills Wear Off…”